Contact Info
Prof. Paul Bukuluki
Senior Lecturer
BS, engineering, Technical University of Denmark
MBA, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
Resource Management

I am an Associate Professor of Social Work (with a focus on social work and health, social work and social protection, developmental social work and social work in humanitarian settings) in the department of Social Work and Social Administration, School of Social Sciences, Makerere University. I have a doctorate in social and cultural Anthropology from the University of Vienna, Austria (2008), Masters in Peace studies (Peace, Development, Security and International Conflict Transformation) from the University of Innsbruck, Austria (2009), master’s in medical Anthropology from the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands (1999), and Bachelor of Arts in Social Work and Social Administration from Makerere University, Uganda (1996). My teaching areas are developmental social work, social security and social protection, forced displacement and disaster management, peace-post conflict recovery and development, and sexuality and social work. I have published in the areas of sexual and reproductive health, social norms and gender-based violence, social sciences and global pandemics (especially COVID-19 and HIV and AIDS), social work and social protection, social work and forced migration/displacement and social work and social policy. I sit on the Technical Committee on Integrated Health and HIV and AIDS Programming along Transport Corridors in East Africa (East African Community); Technical Committee of the Global Learning Collaborative on Social Norms, The Research Ethics Committee of the Control of Neglected Tropical Diseases, Ministry of Health; and The Executive Committee of the Migration, Health and Development Research Initiative (MHDRI). I have supervised undergraduate and over 20 graduate students working on a range of topics including HIV and AIDS, social protection, social work in conflict and post conflict settings, and social work and health.


Associate Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, Makerere University.

University of Vienna, Austria, 2008 PhD in Social and Cultural Anthropology: Specialisation in Health and Culture/Social Norms/Child Protection/social protection
University of Innsbruck, Austria, 2007-2009 Masters of Arts in Peace, Development, Security and International Conflict Transformation
University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1999 Masters Degree in Medical Anthropology with a strong focus on international health, culture-public health nexus, gender, GBV, ASRHR and Social Behavioural Change Communication
University of California San Diego, 2020 and Global Social Norms Collaborative Social norms and Sexual and Reproductive health in low-income countries
World Health Organisation and COMBI Institute, Indiana University 2018 Certificate in Strategic Communication for Behavioural Impact (COMBI)with focus on social norms and SRHR
Makerere University and International Organisation for Migration 2016 Certificate in Migration Health in Humanitarian settings
Medical Anthropology Unit, University of Amsterdam, 1999 Certificate in gender and reproductive health
Medical Anthropology Unit, University of Amsterdam, 2005 Certificate in children and health
Makerere University, 1996 Bachelor of Arts degree (Upper Second Honours) in Social Work and Social Administration


  1. Bukuluki, P et al (2023). The sexual behavior of young people living with a disability: Findings from the KAP study in Northern Uganda” (approved for production and accepted for publication in Frontiers in Reproductive Health, section Adolescent Reproductive Health and Well-being).
  2. Bukuluki et al (2023). Access to information on gender-based violence prevention during COVID-19 lockdown in Uganda: A cross-sectional study Accepted for for publication in eClinicalMedicine.
  3. Bukuluki, P., Kisaakye, P., Bulenzi-Gulere, G., Mulindwa, B., Bazira, D., Letiyo, E., … & Nissling, S. (2023). Vulnerability to violence against women or girls during COVID-19 in Uganda. BMC public health23(1), 1-10.
  4. Bukuluki, P., Kisaakye, P., Mulekya, F., Mushomi, J., Mayora, C., Palattiyil, G., Sidhva, D. and Nair, H., 2022. Disruption in accessing sexual and reproductive health services among border populations during COVID-19 lockdown in Uganda. Journal of Global Health12.
  5. Nnyombi, A., Bukuluki, P., Besigwa, S., Ocaya-Irama, J., Namara, C., & Cislaghi, B. (2022). How Social Norms Contribute to Physical Violence Among Ever-Partnered Women in Uganda: A Qualitative Study. Frontiers in Sociology, 109.
  6. Palattiyil G, Kisaakye P, Mwenyango H, Katongole S, Mulekya F, Sidhva D, Nair H, Bukuluki P.  (2022) Access to HIV/AIDS or TB care among refugees in Kampala, Uganda: exploring the enablers and barriers during the COVID-19 pandemic. J Migr Health. 2022;5:100098. Doi: 10.1016/j.jmh.2022.100098.
  7. Kisaakye P, Bukuluki, P,  Matovu, J. (2022). COVID-19 vaccine acceptance among refugees in Bidibidi refugee settlement, Northern Uganda. Journal of Global Health Reports. Vol. 6, 2022.
  8. Bukuluki, P., Kisaakye, P., Houinato, M., Ndieli, A., Letiyo, E., & Bazira, D. (2021). Social norms, attitudes and access to modern contraception for adolescent girls in six districts in Uganda. BMC Health Services Research21(1), 1-14.
  1. Bukuluki, P, H Mwenyango, F Kato, A Kyomurabi, and A Bagabo. 2021. The Psychosocial effect of COVID-19 on urban refugees: Narratives from Congolese refugees living in Kampala, in A Moustafa (ed.) Mental Health Effects of Covid-19: Coping in A Covid-19 Environment.  ElsevierThe Psychosocial effect of COVID-19 on urban refugees: Narratives from Congolese refugees living in Kampala
  2. Bukuluki, P., Kisaakye, P., Wandiembe, S. P., Musuya, T., Letiyo, E., & Bazira, D. (2021). An examination of physical violence against women and its justification in development settings in Uganda. Plos one16(9), e0255281.

Teaching Ability

I have taught the following courses since my tenure in the department of social work and Social Administration that started in 1996:

  1. Developmental Social Work (MSW 4113)
  2. Social Protection, Inequality and Social Development MSW7200,
  3. Social Security and Social protection (SWA3111/SOA3112),
  4. Sexuality and Social Work Practice (SWA3209)
  5. Social Security Planning & Management (SSP7217)
  6. Conflict, Post Conflict Recovery and Development (SSP 7111)
  7. Community Based Rehabilitation for People with Disabilities (SWA3206/SOA3224)
  8. Applied Developmental Social Work (SWA3200)

Research Experience

  1. Principal Investigator/Team leader: 2021: Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) Baseline Survey for the Netherlands Programme on Advancing Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (ANSWER) in West Nile and Acholi Sub Regions in Uganda. This is an integrated programme that includes VAC, intersections between VAC and intimate partner violence (SGBV) in conflict and humanitarian settings. The findings will be used to strengthen mainstreaming of SRHR, VAC and SGBV interventions in conflict and humanitarian settings. Funded by UNFPA and the Netherlands Embassy, Uganda
  2. Research Director/Co-investigator: Agency for All implementation research project aimed at improving and sustaining agency, health, and well-being for individuals and communities, advancing cross-sector development outcomes in family planning and reproductive health, maternal, newborn and child health, nutrition, infectious disease, and HIV/AIDS. This is a USAID funded project with total funding of 38 M USD implemented in East Africa, South Asia and West Africa. The Prime is the University of California San Diego and Makerere University is one of the key partners. (2021 t0 2026)
  3. Principal Investigator: Leading conducting of a qualitative assessment of social norms in South Sudan Momentum Integrated Health Resilience. This assessment investigated social norms related to FP choice and decision-making, attitudes towards GBV, and decisions related to health seeking behavior. The goal of this assessment was to provide evidence to inform the development of USAID/South Sudan’s SBC efforts related to increasing the voluntary use of family planning, reproductive health care, prevention, and awareness of GBV, and health seeking behavior. The findings from this study will then inform SBC activities in South Sudan (2020/2021).
  4. Principal Investigator/team leader. Building capacity for research and teaching of health and migration (Funded by the Government of Austria through the Centre for Health and Migration, Vienna, Austria) 2019 to 2022).
  5. Co-Investigator: Documenting the degree and disruption of GBV and SRH services and prevention programs during the COVID-19 global pandemic in Uganda, and changes in reporting of GBV and unintended pregnancy. Department of Population and Family Health Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health (2020/2021)

Other Academic Achievements:

Academic Positions Held:

  1. Associate Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Administration since 2015
  2. Senior Lecturer, Department of Social Work and Social Administration since 2012
  3. Lecturer, Department of Social Work and Social Administration since 2010
  4. Assistant Lecturer, Since 1998
  5. Teaching Assistant, since 1996

Administrative or Coordination Positions:

  1. Graduate programmes: Coordinator Masters in Social Sector Planning and Management 2012 to 2016
  2. Research Director, Agency for All, 38 M implementation Research Grant funded by USAID with University of California San Diego as Prime and Makerere University as a key partner.

 Curriculum Development:

  1. Fully participated in review and updating of the curriculum for Bachelor of Social Work
  2. Participated in development of curricular for the Masters of Social Work (MSW).
  3. Participated in reviewing and updating curricular for the Masters in social sector Planning and Management

Publication Reviews and Membership of Editorial Boards: I am a member of the:

  1. Practice: Social Work in Action Journal,
  2. Guest Editor for Discover Psychology Journal and;
  3. Guest Editor for Frontiers in Sociology for a special issue on Frontiers in Sociology, section Gender, Sex and Sexualities.
  4. BMC Research Notes (

External Examination: I have been external Examiner for:

  1. The University of Cape Town, South Africa);
  2. University of the University of Kwazulu-Natal (South Africa);
  3. University of Western Sydney, Australia (see evidence attached in the application package).

Service to the University Community:

  1. Appointed by Principal CHUSS to Chair the Committee of Academics and Researchers to review the Draft National Migration Policy and give feedback to the relevant Ministries, Departments and Agencies. This was on request by the University Secretary, Makerere University (2022).

Other Responsibilities

  1. Member Board of Directors for the Impact and Innovations Development Centre;
  2. Chair, VACNET Virtual Hub, East Africa with the aim of promoting use of evidence-based interventions to prevent violence against children and child protection.
  3. Executive member East Africa Social Norms Learning Collaborative on Social Norms Secretariat;
  4. Member, Global Learning Collaborative on Social Norms;
  5. Executive Member, Migration Health and Development Research Initiative.
  6. Member, Uganda National Academy of Sciences Technical Committee on Social Inclusion and Equity
  7. Member of Busoga Health Forum
  8. Member Board of Directors, Applied Research Bureau
  9. Member Task Force on Integrated Health and HIV and AIDS Programming along Transport Corridors in East Africa (East African Community;
  10. Member Research Ethics Review Committee on Control of Neglected Tropical Diseases, Ministry of Health, Uganda

Consultancy Work:

  1. Lead Consultant (2017): Understanding the role knowledge, attitudes, social norms and practices associated with gender-based violence including Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) and commercial sexual exploitation (CSEC): a population-based survey in Uganda. Lead the process of developing protocols, reviewing tools, research designs, recruiting teams, submitting protocol for ethical review (IRB and National level Ethics Committees) and training teams in readiness for fieldwork. Participated in developing analysis plans and report writing and dissemination. International Centre for Research on Women.
  2. National Consultant (2016): Conducting a sexual and gender-based violence/sexual violence against children service gap analysis and using the findings to design a national program to address gaps in prevention and response services for SGBV/VAC in collaboration with World Bank and Ministry of Health, Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development and Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Internal Affairs (Police) and International and local civil society agencies. Funded by World Bank.

Membership to Academic and Other Organisations:

  1. Executive Committee Member, Migration Health and Development Research Initiative.
  2. Member, National Social Workers Association
  3. Makerere University Academic Staff Association
  4. Member, Africa Care-leaving Association
  5. Member, Africa Care leaving Association
  6. Member of IASSW (International Association of Schools of Social Work)
  7. Member of ASSWA- African Schools of Social Work Association.
  8. Member Board of Directors, Applied Research Bureau LTD.
Research Interests:
Social Justice