Social determinants like education and housing

Shaping the future of advanced health systems across the continent

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Healthcare from hospitals and clinics

public health initiatives, health insurance, and cutting-edge medical research

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Empowering Potentials & Capacity Building

Unlocking individual's full potential with our comprehensive capacity building programs.

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Safeguarding Our Environmental Health

Explore the intersection of ecology and public health with our comprehensive resources on environmental health

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Implementing Measures for Climatic Change

Explore the intersection of ecology and public health with our comprehensive resources on environmental health

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About Aitha

Who We Are

AITHA stands as a visionary organization positioned to shape the future of health systems across the continent.

Africa is a continent of immense potential, diverse cultures, and rich histories. Yet, it is also home to complex health challenges, where access to quality healthcare remains a pressing concern. Recognizing these challenges as opportunities for transformation, AITHA is born out of a profound commitment to catalyzing change through evidence, innovation, and capacity strengthening.

Our Mission

To advance the health and well-being of all African nations by becoming a leading force in the creation and implementation of evidence-based policies, robust health system implementation strategies, and capacity-strengthening initiatives.

Our Vision

To become a globally recognized leader in evidence-based policy development and implementation, data-driven decision-making, and capacity building.

Our Areas of Focus

Key Emphases


Mortality is often expressed as a mortality rate, which is the number of deaths per unit of population, usually per 1,000 or 100,000 individuals, during a specified time period.

Climate Change

This is primarily driven by human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation, which release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, leading to an enhanced greenhouse effect

Environmental Health

This encompasses the assessment and management of environmental factors that can impact well-being, such as air and water quality, hazardous substances, and the overall state of ecosystems

Health Systems

We delve into the intricate web of healthcare, exploring its various components and how they collaborate to enhance well-being. From hospitals and clinics to public health initiatives, health insurance, and cutting-edge medical research

Social Determinants

We explore the powerful impact of social and economic factors on health outcomes. Social determinants encompass a range of influences such as socioeconomic status, education, housing, and community resources, which significantly shape an individual's well-being

Planetary health

Mortality is often expressed as a mortality rate, which is the number of deaths per unit of population, usually per 1,000 or 100,000 individuals, during a specified time period.


We're dedicated to providing comprehensive information about cancer – a complex group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells


We provide comprehensive information on diabetes, a chronic condition affecting millions worldwide. Explore our articles, guides, and resources to better understand the different types of diabetes.

Innovations for collecting and generating new data e.g. electronic data collection, satellite datasets and geospatial.

Our deliverables in 5-10 years

Empower researchers.

Build an enabling environment that empowers researchers to accelerate new discoveries.

Enhanced Partnership .

Partner with existing organization for research use support.

Unlock New Datasets.

Harmonize existing datasets, analysis and make them available to other users.

Innovations for collecting and generating new data e.g

Electronic data collection, satellite datasets and geospatial.